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The Learners' Club
Teaching with a Heart
PSLE tuition centre in Bukit Timah
English, Math, Science and Chinese Tuition
Small group tuition (3 to 6)
Star tutors with min. 10 yrs experience
"Whatever It Takes" approach
Who are we?
We are mothers like you. We have been disappointed and we have been delighted in our own search for the best teachers for our children. Get to know our mission and we hope to become your partners in education.
What Tuition Classes do we offer?
Our curriculum and pedagogy are designed based on educational psychology principles. Each lesson plan is customised to suit your child's school pace, exam schedule and individual learning needs.
Celebrating Our Math Tuition Results
*The data shown below was collected with permission and has been anonymized. All personally identifiable information has been removed in accordance with PDPA.
Looking for a Tuition Centre with Guaranteed Improvement?
Make Improvements, Not Excuses
We don't believe in showcasing only our best students' results, because we strive to help ALL OUR STUDENTS improve. We are uncompromising when it comes to our quality of teaching and we are the only tuition centre in Bukit Timah who firmly caps our class sizes at 3 to 6 only (classes where students need more support are kept to a smaller size of 2 to 4).
We view your child's initial score as their jumping-off point and firmly believe that, in partnership with like-minded parents like you, it will only get better from there.
100% Guaranteed Improvement for Students who Join Us Before P6
Start Early and Finish Strong
Our centre has achieved 100% Math Grade Improvement from SA1 to SA2 for all P3 to P5 students. We have also achieved 100% Guaranteed Math A1 for all Sec 1 to Sec 3 students.
Regardless of their PSLE results when they first join us, our students start scoring A1 in Sec 1 and maintain their streak throughout secondary school.
The key to receiving the maximum amount of benefit from tuition is to start early both in primary and secondary school.
Curious to know how our P6 intake did? Read on to find out.
The Later a Child Seeks Help, The Lower Their Jumping-Off Point
Bad Habits are like Chains that are Too Light to Feel Until They are Too Heavy to Carry
We are a best-in-class enrichment centre in Bukit Timah who welcomes children at all jumping-off points.
However, data suggests that some parents only realise the need for expert help when their child begins to fail in school. Little do they know that by that time, their child may have already accumulated years of poor study habits and has missed out on opportunities to hone key skills and techniques.
When the child finally receives help from a professional tutor, years of bad habits need to be broken and new habits need to be painstakingly formed. These include not just behavioral habits but also habits of the mind.
To avoid the uphill task of undoing and reconstructing your child's deep-rooted beliefs about themselves, their subjects and their abilities, it is important to be continually in touch with the learning needs of each child and not wait till they are failing to seek help.
75% of Our P6 Students Showed Grade Improvement by 1 to 2 Grades
Better Late Than Never
We are upfront about the results that we can and cannot deliver. In a departure from widespread practices by some educational institutions in Singapore, we accept any child who is willing to learn and improve, even at a late stage (very close to PSLE). This is despite the common concern that this could potentially pull down our averages and reflect on our reputation.
Nevertheless, our brand values are that Your Child Comes First and KPIs come second. We believe in Doing Our Best for your child and Teaching with A Heart.
We have had students who joined us at a late stage and subsequently not attain an A or an A* in Math for PSLE. However they believed in our brand and our teachers and stuck with us.
All of these students have been scoring A1 consistently since Sec 1 and have developed remarkable academic maturity in their teens.
Parents, be assured that while PSLE is a huge milestone for many children in Singapore, it by no means defines how far a child can go.
The Earlier Your Child Starts, The More They Will Benefit From Tuition
Start Early and Give Your Child a Lasting Foundation
We are a team of experienced education professionals who understand the science behind performing your best under pressure. Signing up for tuition only when PSLE is looming and a child is already struggling puts immense pressure on them as expectations are high yet the outcome is uncertain.
Having an adequate runway to build not just academic pre-requisites, but also metacognitive skills and grit, is essential for your child to perform optimally when the pressure is on.
As parents, we cannot control how much pressure our children are going to feel. However, in collaboration with education professionals, you can equip your child with the skills to negotiate their reactions to pressure, minimize its injurious effects and optimize performance when it matters most.
Celebrating the Achievements of Our TLC Family
We care about the holistic development of our teachers and students and believe that pursuing a variety of interests can enrich one's mind and lead to positive knock-on effects on all aspects of life, including academics.
*Permission was sought before publishing the following achievements, in compliance with PDPA.
Ms Uma embracing her daughter Amita at the 2019 SEA Games
Congratulations to Ms Uma, our HOD of English, whose daughter Amita clinched a Gold for Singapore in Fencing during the 2019 SEA Games and will be Singapore's first female fencer to compete at the Olympics! Both in the classroom and at home, Ms Uma continues to teach the value of perseverance in pursuing your dreams.
Congratulations, Amita!
"The victory is sweeter as these are not normal times - we have had to overcome tough training sessions, learn to breathe behind layers of masks during intensive bouts... these require mental fortitude... I will need to be mentally sharp and stay positive. This is a rare opportunity to try and qualify for the Olympics."
- Amita Berthier, quoted in The Straits Times
Congratulations, Josiah!
We are proud of Josiah for receiving the Most Improved Award in school for his remarkable improvement in Mathematics. He has certainly not had an easy time of it and we applaud his continuous hard work and effort to achieve his personal best. Josiah has been attending Ms Melissa's Math Class in TLC. He also takes Chinese along with his sister.
Congratulations, Ms Chloe!
Ms Chloe, our HOD of Math, performed a beautiful solo part for Mo Li Hua (茉莉花) in concert with her choir at the Esplanade. A national top-scorer and multi-scholarship recipient herself, Ms Chloe teaches essential time management skills and effective study skills to her students so that they can study smart and have balanced and enriching lives. This recording has been circulating among her students, who are now inspired to develop their artistic talents too!
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